Engineering Success

Engineering Success

Empowering STEM Entrepreneurs to Shape the Future

Inglorious Bastards: The New Entrepreneurs Definition

38 views 5:47 pm 2 Comments January 15, 2025
Entrepreneurs are made, not born

Entrepreneurs aren’t chosen by fate, touched by gods, or born under starry alignments. Forget the myth of the “chosen one” draped in a Steve Jobs turtleneck. The new entrepreneurs definition is clear: entrepreneurs are made, not born. Anyone—yes, anyone—can step into the chaotic ring of business if they’ve got the desire, vision, guts, grit, and a touch of madness.

Entrepreneurship isn’t about perfection. It’s about the inglorious hustle.

Messy starts, confusion, fear, passion, desire and plans sketched on napkins during lunch breaks. Entrepreneurs in business don’t wait for divine intervention; they build with what they have.

Want It Bad Enough? Prove It

Want to be an entrepreneur? Good. Want it bad enough to face rejection and keep going when nobody cares? Even better. The entrepreneurs definition isn’t about a title; it’s about desire. That burning, keep-you-up-at-night kind of desire. Without it, you’ll fold at the first sign of failure.

And there will be failure. Loads of it. But guess what? Entrepreneurs in business wear their scars like badges of honor. Didn’t land that funding? Built a website that crashed? Good. Failure is part of the game. Learn from it and move on.


That been said, failures will help you grow and move forward only if they bring clarity on what to do next, otherwise it is just the same old glorified-failure-ritual-tale told by some business mentors. Find out more in our article “The Glorified Failures Trap: Choosing The Wrong Business Mentor

Start Small, Dream Big

Think entrepreneurship needs a million-dollar idea? Wrong. It needs a small-savings idea, executed obsessively. The new entrepreneurs definition celebrates the scrappy, relentless starter. Start anywhere, with anything. Selling vintage spoons on eBay? That’s entrepreneurship. Building an app while working a 9-to-5? That counts too.

Waiting for the perfect moment? It doesn’t exist.

Perfection is a lie that stops action. Successful entrepreneurs in business embrace imperfection. They start messy and figure it out on the fly. Waiting is for wannabes.


Messy start is not what you think it is. Having no clues on what to do to make your dream, desire, passion come through is another fairy tale some business mentors tell you to justify the fact they may have no idea on how to support you.

Messy start here means having to start with what you have, do everything you can by yourself (admin, marketing, sales, product development, customer service etc) to learn and appreciate all the aspects of an efficient business, before you start delegating it to somebody else as you progress on your entrepreneurial journey.

To learn more, please read our article “Long Visions, Short Plans – Your Strategy Is Your Compass”.

Persevere or Perish

Entrepreneurship isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon on a treadmill that keeps speeding up. Perseverance is the currency of success. When the glamour fades, and it will, grit takes over. Entrepreneurs in business don’t quit because the grind isn’t Instagram-worthy. They keep going, even when nobody’s watching.

The entrepreneurs definition includes a single, unavoidable truth: resilience wins. Not smarts, not luck, and definitely not entitlement. Just plain, unrelenting perseverance.

Why Not You?

Entrepreneurship isn’t for the elite. It’s for the brave. It’s for the office worker sick of the cubicle, the artist tired of starving, the dreamer fed up with dreaming. Why not make entrepreneurship your ultimate career move? The new entrepreneurs definition says you don’t need permission or approval. Just start.

You don’t have to invent the next Tesla or create a viral app. You just have to do. And keep doing. Build something ugly, sell something weird, and learn as you go. The inglorious bastards of entrepreneurship aren’t waiting for greatness to be bestowed. They’re out there, making it happen.

So, what’s stopping you?

If you are an entrepreneur in the STEM field and struggling to build a marketable product, email me at Tell me your biggest challenge and I will be happy to help you.

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And of course, keep reading our articles!

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